#CINEMAOFNATIONS2021 cinekina@gmailcom

The spirit of the Cinema of Nations is one of celebration of human soul putting back humanity threatened at the very center of life. Its aim is to emulate creativity in cinema and share it equally among all human beings and focus attention on works of quality in order to encourage the practice of cinema in all the countries of the world.
Every year hundreds of filmmakers from the different nations of the world will be invited to participate in CINEMA OF NATIONS .
All filmmakers of country in the six continental zones Africa, Asia, North and Central America and Caribbean, South America, Oceania, Europe are eligible. Winners will be selected by zones before the finals.
The selections are done by JURYS chosen by the WORLD CINEMA ALLIANCE e.V .
The main guiding body of the CINEMA OF NATIONS is the International Organising Committee (IOC). The IOC is selected by the WORLD CINEMA ALLIANCE e.V.
The head of the CINEMA OF NATIONS is the president of the WORLD CINEMA ALLIANCE.
The president’s duties are: inviting filmmakers to participate in THE CINEMA OF NATIONS, cooperation with the Continental Organising Committee (COC), resolving urgent/unforeseen situations and coordination of jury work. THE CINEMA OF NATIONS President is assisted by a CINEMA OF NATIONS Secretary.
The CINEMA OF NATIONS Secretary’s duties are: organising the problem selection, updating the website site and helping the president with his duties.
The INTERNATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE is responsible for selection of a country hosting CINEMA OF NATIONS each year. The IOC cooperates with the CONTINENTAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE in deciding on the dates of the CINEMA OF NATIONS.
The official language of the competition is English. This applies to all official documentation.
The amount of the entry fee per country is defined by the INTERNATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE.